When the world went crazy in March 2020 with drastic lockdowns and sundry ‘social distancing’ stupidities, it was with stunned amazement that I watched the snowballing Covid hysteria and prairie-fire panic that gripped both elite and popular levels of society in a seeming instant. That month was the start of a surreal nightmare, one that held the vast bulk of the population in its sway for over two years.
I knew from the get-go not just that the whole COVID roadshow was bollocks, but that those pushing it knew it was bollocks. In fact, the first thing I said to my husband when Scummo announced the first 'two weeks to flatten the curve' was, "So this is how they're going to implement the compulsory adult vaccination schedule."
The ABC's fear porn was risible. They were onto the Spanish flu comparison almost immediately, but when they took the nuclear option and started comparing CONVID to the Black Death, it was so patently ridiculous that I thought, 'Surely to God this is going to wake people up.' Well, we all know how that turned out. I'm happy to say that I no longer own a TV or a radio, and plan never to have either again.
The pathetic acquiescence of the old Left was disillusioning, but as an X-Gener who loves Boomer music, it was the selling out of the aging rockers that really broke my heart. I can't bring myself to listen to the Stones, Neil Young or Joni Mitchell any more. It's kind of a relief that so many musos died back in 2016 (the year everyone died) or I'd have f*ck-all to listen to.
Very prescient about the incrediby dangerous ‘the vaccine is our only way out lockdown’ narrative that was looming very early on.
Yes, the Boomer music Gods finally made their peace with The Machine. Thank goodness for Eric Clapton who rejected the vaxx and the passports to his concerts (it took two jabs and severe neuropathy in his hands threatening to really make his moniker of Slowhand a reality, but still he eventually made the right choice). Can’t help wondering whether Charlie Watts’ death was the result of the jabs the Stones’ were so keen on. So much for Street-Fighting Man!
For years, us wingnut tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist antivaxxers have been aware that the WHO has been pushing an adult vaccination schedule (on behalf of their Big pHarma pals) and that national governments (including our own) have a recommended schedule involving gazillions of jabs and boosters, but they were stymied in implementing it by the fact that a) most Boomers had every childhood disease known to man and therefore didn't need any booster vaccines and b) the flu vaccine is a dud, and everyone with even the basic knowledge of immunology knows it. In the mean time, vaccine manufacturers have a pipeline of hundreds of vaccines in development, but adults were previously quite resistant customers. What better way to break down that resistance than to stage a fake pandemic (not saying that there is no novel pathogen, just that the degree of illness and death than has resulted from it doesn't meet any sensible definition of a pandemic) and frighten the bejesus out of all those aging Boomers?
Three cheers for Eric Clapton and Van the Man, and big raspberries to those sell-out Stones.
So many musicians, artists, actors, actressess, comedians, TV hosts were all coerced to take the poison and so many died or have long lasting health problems. Mark Crispin-Miller is collecting all the data on deaths, you can find him on Substack.
I was also so disappointed in my favourite Neil Young, but I like him for his music not how he lives his life. Was so sad about Charlie cut his life short, he would have rocked on for a bit longer.
MCM's weekly wrap-up of the dead and maimed is a depressing but necessary read because, as Stalin said, one death is a tragedy but a million is a statistic.
I wish I could still enjoy the music of all the sell-outs but all of the disgusting, repugnant things they've said keep coming into my mind whenever I try to listen to it.
Yep, it is tragic. I try not to read anything about musicians, years ago we never bothered. By the way love your work, I often read your articles and listen to your talks. You have really helped me feel suppported because around her there are not many like minded people. All the best for the New Year.
Thank you for your well wishes, and Happy New Year to you too! I'm really thrilled that you've found solace in my work. When I began to write about the manufactured COVID crisis, I was motivated by frustration that the public was being swamped by mis- and disinformation emanating from government and their media mouthpieces, that was fomenting fear and social division, and a desire to provide information that was as accurate as I could manage. Then I began hearing from people who read my articles, that I was helping to keep them sane, largely by providing a scientifically sound argument for what they already knew in their gut and heart. I've been struck by how many people who aren't highly educated in the usual sense, just intuitively twigged that something was off, and how many supposedly well-educated people fell for the covidiacy, hook, line and sinker.
Having said all that, it's important to have in-person contact with like-minded people. Is there an RDA group or Freedom Cell anywhere near you? If not, you might even think about starting one - who knows how many people in your area are having the same thoughts as you, but are afraid to express them because they think everyone else is a Branch Covidian?
I find it hard to listen to the Stones because I know that Jagger & Richards had something to do with Brian Jones’ murder. He was the talented Stone who likely wrote all their hits up to 69 and likely beyond as well and without him they became a middling but popular stadium band who banked 13m a year for their tours.
Well Phil, thanks for asking. As you probably know I had a bit of time with the scamdemic. When it first became a thing, when we were in the “flatten the curve” stage I started having this strange premonition that if and when they develop a “vaccine” it was going to be forced on us in some way. I had no clear perception of what form this might take.
I wrote a song round that time:
Flatten the curve or the old man gets it
TV lady says it at breakfast
And sunbathing gets you arrested ...
Aside from that initial weird feeling, the Covid awakening for me started with the risk profile data and very early on it was clear that people in my age demographic and health status were at fundamentally zero risk of dying or even getting seriously ill from this Covid thing. So when the possibility of a vaccine became an incredibly fast reality (this too alarmed me) I was adamant that I wouldn’t be taking the shot. I started looking for safety data and effectiveness from sources other than the msm propaganda and big pharma itself. What little I did find was negative. In fact the test animals were dying!
I then made the fatal error then of imparting my vax hesitation to my landlord. I should have been more circumspect ie. lied because at this point everyone was losing their feakin minds over Covid. I couldn’t understand why? I couldn’t figure out how a piece of cloth was of any use against a thing a few nano metres in length. I couldn’t figure out the scientific merit of a great many of the Covid policies and everyone I spoke to seemed to disagree with my assessment because the “experts” said so. Anyways my landlord asked me to leave so I went to my parents place. It was only going to be a temporary thing, until I could find another place. I didn’t think the vax status of their own son would be an issue to them. Boy was I wrong ...
My father proudly proclaimed, like a high priest of branch Covidian, that “to be part of society you need three jabs.” He asked me to leave when I said that the jabs were actually harming people, even killing them and that it wasn’t working. We knew this much by then. My boomer parents are firmly in that 61% of TV devotees. If Koshie says jabs a must, jabs good, then that’s all the evidence they need. Me ... I like data and statistical analyses of said data from impartial sources.
I don’t remember who was first but I started reading the likes of Steve Kirsch and El Gato, the strangely compelling Harvard2thebighouse, Spartacus, Igor Chudov and a heap more. Substack pretty much saved my life. I knew I wasn’t alone. At this point I was homeless. I lived in the forest near Walpole for a while, then went and did some WWOOFing. I was pretty distraught by the whole thing by after much pondering in the Valley of the Giants I emerged stronger and less afraid than I had ever had been in my life. I met a woman too who was also a bit of an outcast from society and equally adamant not to be injected. This realisation and the support of a couple of good friends helped me through it.
The more I read, and boy did I read a lot! The more I became sure that I had made the right decision. When I saw my predictions of the jabs starting to kill people in big numbers it was only further confirmation. Many aspects of the Covid scam are settled for me. I know it’s origins and it’s mechanisms of harm. I know infinitely more than most any man on the street about it so it’s easy for me to crush any counter arguments. I was angry there for a long time. I felt I was owed an apology for what I had to endure but I have resigned myself in the knowing that this will not be forthcoming.
I see now that the people who believe/d feel fully justified in their error as they were “just following orders”. The banality of evil ... etc As a former friend once opined: “oppression is okay if you’re on the side of the oppressor.” That is truly the sentiment among many.
So it’s been a wake up call to the true face of humanity and it sure is ugly. I’ve lost faith in our public institutions, especially medicine but even more broadly. I’ve lost faith in people too but I have gained an inner resolve that is titanium tough.
Ah, you made the mistake of thinking too much – and, as a result, ‘fell down the rabbit-hole’ of truth. You do meet some other wonderful people down there, though. I’m glad you’ve found a new equilibrium and a new role as a confirmed enemy of The Regime. Keep on distrusting the authorities.
Well done for holding your ground, it is so sad that families were torn apart by this but it was also part of the agenda. By the way your landlord had no legal right to kick you out or even ask you your health status. I had to navigate it when looking for a house to rent during this time. I just kept saying "not yet" when asked, seemed to work.
I was only wondering today whether I'd read a new Lockdownunder before Christmas :)
I don't actually remember, WHEN, but well before Jan 2020 I started to stock up on stuff, not crazily, but just adding a few extra packets of stuff whenever I went shopping - I was more worried about supply shortages than a lockdown, that wasn't in my vocabulary.
'Two weeks to flatten the curve" seemed reasonable at the time. As the weeks went by, I killed my Twitter account, as the people I followed all started to talk about lockdowns and how evil Sweden was. Sweden ? Come on, this is the most progressive place on earth ? So I guess I was sceptical early on, heck, a disease that targets the old, frail and co-morbid. Surely this was a treasurer's dream come true, it would solve the welfare budget ? When only 'covid deaths' mattered is when my BS detector kicked into gear.
Why sceptical ? I remember my dad having an argument with my mum about Jesus feeding the 5000 ... he asked her whether Jesus had an oven there to bake all the bread. So perhaps his scepticism was passed down genealogically. I wonder what Barry Jones would have made of it all, I really admired him - brain a like Jupiter.
Finally got round to another one in the end - when I retired, I left the world of deadlines behind, including, it seems, any self-imposed deadlines for recreational writing. And the deadline-free world is wonderful, let me tell you.
Barry Jones – now there’s a blast from the past. Incredibly knowledgeable but that doesn’t necessarily mean incredibly wise. Lot’s of people of great erudition and learning let their lizard brain take over their thinking during the Great Fear.
Great question! I think it boils down to how much a person believes and trusts the dominant (ruling class narrative). The modern global ruling class rules the world to an incredible extent though the cultivation and imposition of its narrative ... a story that supports what it wants to do. This narrative is now imposed and enforced via a totalitarian information eco system of mass and social media. Nothing can become the dominant narrative without the support of the ruling class, and anyone that attempts to challenge the dominant narrative is isolated, demonised, censored and de-platformed. Those that understand this see any dominant narrative for what it is ... a story that helps to deliver what is in the interest of the now global ruling class an will be sceptical of everything. Those that don't deeply understand this simply believe pretty much everything they are told.
It was the RT-PCR that did it probably for many. And the pictures of the virus no one could find. but yet defined anyway - they looked identical to the HIV ones and others used in scaremongering. Sort of blows the credibility when the 'test' could not identify a virus which looks the same as the last scary one that is no issue now. I think the money lockdown is coming next and sooner than many think - there is a panic on in case no one noticed.
It is the climate lockdown, already in the planning. Remember when they kept saying "tinfoil hat climate change protestors" now they are the hero's! By the way no one talks about how the chemcials we use on the planet is having an effect on climate change, so the chemcial cartel is using climate change as a cover up and Governments worldwide are using it for their agenda to monitor people and have more control. No one needs 5G but it was put in place for control measures and electrification that can be turned off with a switch at anytime..
Excellent article again! I applaud the coining of the term "Woke Derangement Syndrome".
I admit to being confused for the first four weeks or so. What tipped me into questioning the entire narrative was the fact that the Union bureaucrats cancelled the Labour Day march in Brisbane due to "Covid" - for the first time in something like 136 years! At that point, I realised that a deadly virus was a phantom, the figures were phony, and the whole thing was a cover for political repression.
I admit it took me some more months to work out why the political leaderships of of the existing deformed workers' states - China, Vietnam, the DPRK, Laos and Cuba - also completely capitulated to the Covid narrative, even as it emerged from the core of the imperialist states which sought their destruction. I put this down to the treacherous dual role of Stalinism, which defends their socialistic base at home - while at the same time enabling world capitalism to operate as much as it desires, if it will only leave them alone (which it never does).
The capitulation of the Covid so-called left was particularly shocking, and on a level of the betrayal of August 4, 1914, when almost all of social-democracy backed "their own" ruling class in WW1. Almost all of them have continued with Covid nonsense, and some have become worse. Needless to say, a new left needs to be constructed, with special urgency.
The union bureaucrats were abysmal under cover of “it’s all about keeping our members safe”. If they’d shown a bit more spine and won the Covid-dissident argument for the working class, the outcome may have been different.
After the performance of the Covid Left, more generally, there can be no way back for what passes for the Left these days. Their betrayal was momentous, easily on par with their sell-out during WWI. As a decades-long member of the revolutionary left (too old to still be an activist, though), I still can’t quite believe how they all turned on a dime and caved to the Covid ruling class. It’s time for a new left, indeed, one that puts working class interests front and centre of their program.
I didn't fall for the narrative as i never trusted politicians/govt., nor mainstream media propaganda and would never submit to an 'experimental' shot. I warned close relatives and friends but sadly word got back to me that they all thought i was 'crazy'.
Yes, once stocks of trust are low to non-existent based on previous experience, there’s not going to be any left in the tank for the latest nonsense and lies. That’s basically where I started from as the Covid circus swept ino town.
It seems there was a huge category of people who did not fall for anything, they just didn't fight for anything either.
Myself, I have concluded that the key ingredient to resist this, or other derangements, is to be more uncomfortable with the lie than with the effort/cost required to ignore it / play along with it. I hope the source of my own discomfort was some sort of sense of honour, but it could be curiosity, too much idle time, righteousness, busybodyness, stubbornness, naivety, quirkiness, drunkenness, a lack of empathy, tactlessness, moral fundamentalism, religious fundamentalism, tenaciousness, critical thinking, distrust, altruism, luck, faithlessness, argumentativeness, serendipity, genetic, Freudian, narcisism, misanthropy, cynicism, humility, discernment, or handsomeness :)
Also, the Bloovis Blog is delightful, thanks for the tip.
Well, that covers all bases but I think there is a little bit of most of that list in the makeup of most Covid dissidents (handsomeness – not so much, however).
Depends on your ability for critical thinking and having an open mind, primarily. I was fooled for the first 2 months, yet not overly worried or frantic. I soon started to put the pieces together which clearly showed the narrative was absolute BS. Nothing added up. People in China ‘dropping down dead’ but putting their arms out to brace for the impact before hitting the ground, worldwide synchronicity of the same message, ‘safe and effective “vaccine”’ which had no real safety profile, told said ‘vaccine’ was an experiment but that you’d lose your job if you didn’t take it, and the list goes on. It only took a few minutes on the internet to do your homework and find out that the Australian govt threw out the handbook on how to manage a virus contagion. It’s not so much the govt’s absolute tyranny that gets me but the fear and tyranny of everyday people who chose to believe a Big Pharma paid journalist on tv who wouldn’t know the first thing about anything medical yet thought it was ok to give medical advice to people without a practising license to do so. I too have abandoned the Left. They have also been hijacked by Big Pharma and the Unthinking Woke. The unions are the worst. So much for their dedication to human rights. I have never felt so ashamed to be Australian. Thanks for your brilliant article and being part of The Great Awakening.
My sister and I have been waiting for "these times". At the end of a holiday in 2019 we saw a beautiful double rainbow towards the end of a storm. I said to her this is our last holiday...
Then when this nonsense hit it was IMMEDIATELY obvious what it was about. The start of the Apocalypse. Right now we are in the EYE OF THE STORM. The next phase will be much worse.
The ONLY WAY OUT OF THIS is through prayer and fasting. We cannot remove the prophecies now because the world's sins have mounted way too high. We can still mitigate the chastisements but not eliminate them. I'm sorry to say but the next phase involves nuclear war. BUT DO NOT DESPAIR! You will be protected only IF YOU PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!!
The irony for me is I had been undergoing two major existential crises just prior to the COVID con, so I was already primed for a medical worldview overhaul. In Sep-Dec 2019 I discovered plasma-electric universe cosmology, which dismantled my prior beliefs in standard model cosmology (Big Bang BS). At the same time I discovered that the Christian eschatology known as 'Dispensationalism' was just Kabbalah satanism rebranded. So I was already primed by humility to change some strongly held opinions.
By April 2020 I was reading Jon Rappoport, Peter Duesberg, and Celia Farber on the HIV-AIDS scam, Stefan Lanka's methodological refutation of virology, and various sources, old and new, on MKUltra mind control techniques. Combined with some early stat work (I calculated then that it would take 30 years for 100% of the world to be infected, assuming PCR was accurate and COnVID was caused by a contagious virus - my prediction still seems to be on target even with those 2 false assumptions!) I figured the whole thing was a f'n scam and whatever countermeasure vax they rolled out was full of BS. Stuck to my newly discovered antivax guns ever since!
Damn its been a mentally revolutionary 3 years! I can't believe I was asleep for so damn long on so many things! And the best thing was my Asian wife is with me 100% unvaxxed (how rare!). For her it was the child care centres. Why didnt this 'deadly contagious virus' annihilate every childcare centre in the country? On to ya now, filthy globalist scum!
I was aware from the get go. I trusted my immune system because I never get flu's or colds. I was looking for articles that supported my way of thinking and luckily they were there. My instinct played a big part too. I knew that when masks were introduced that it was a fear mongering control tactic. I also knew it was always about the vax, but what I was shocked to find out was this had been planned for many years. They even had the patents in place well before the declaration of the scandemic. But what shocked me most was how many people believed in all the BS. Even a nurse friend did not believe in the poison but was told to have it to keep her job. She had the second one so she could visit her mum in care. Now she has a doctors certificate to postpone the next until May and does not know what she will do but after 30 odd years and may have to leave nursing because she refuses anymore due to reactions from the 2 she had. She tells me the hospitals are in chaos due to experienced nurses having left and replaced by new recruits with no experience. I hear an ambulance, sometimes twice a day in our less than 10,000 resident town, although we do have a lot of tourists so figure it could be many of them having issues. My 85 year old mum even knew not to have the poison, she did get sick from mixing with vaxed friends for a couple of weeks but fought it off naturally. It still worries me about how these spike proteins could be transferred so I still keep my distance from those who I know or don't know whether they have had the poison. Anthony Williams The Medical medium has some protocols to detox all the poison and also to build up immunity. All viruses are manmade to feed the vax money machine. Wellness to all.
My dad was a radicle, my mum would not buy the determined 'housewife' nonsense narrative. By age 10 years I was sitting in Peace Committee meetings with my parents listening to intellectual argument and general discussion - I had navigated fascist fundamentalism and the reality of their state sponsored murders.
When age about 12 you are willing to argue about God and religion with the former Anglican Archbishop of a city declaring you have no interest in kindergarten childish fairytales dressed up as religion, I guess the path is set (he said he thought I was more Christian than most of those he had preached to). The more I found I had to question EVERYTHING most importantly my own beliefs, ideals, morals and ethics, the more I saw the propaganda and manipulation that favoured a few against the interests of the many.
And the many? Progressively becoming ever more resistant to anything that disturbed their desired 'comfort' zone dominated as it is with blanking out anything that might disturb fully aided by a lack of an Ethical core and self developed Moral code. Emotions and opinions matter more than Prinicpals and a search for believable challenged facts. Easier to go with the flow when you have no compass or rudder to steer with. I am deeply saddened to know enough of what likely awaits the unthinking Sheeple in the near future, what little they may have of it. The last three years have made blindingly clear how meaningless so much of what The Many hold dear is of no earthly value at all in engaging with life which seems to me the very purpose of this existence. Not easy to be de-platformed when you never were platformed to begin with - Social Media IS social distancing - go hug people in spirit or body.
I so agree with social media keeping people apart. I was once asked by an aquaitance who lived a couple of streets away was I on facebook, and when I said no but you are welcome to visit me anytime she just looked at me in a strange way. I am still not on fakebook.
You speak my heart. Oh the left, what can I say, control freaks. They love Government because they want it, to make you do what they think is best. Bad humans! They loved the 'virus', to them is was just punishment, all those stupid people, dirty people. And then the virtue signaling, if only they could see themselves, so desperate to do good (be seen to do good), they'd push Grandma over just to help her back up. But yes, All ABC devotees, RN, their trusted news source. They are rusted on.
I, long ago with the aid of the internet (books before that) mistrusted the mainstream. No T.V. after leaving home and becoming interested in natural healing and other loopy stuff. I also found my own 'trusted' sources. from 9/11 on, we knew something was up and that we were heading somewhere. There was an agenda. So I guess I was primed. I had also been down all the rabbit holes, a conspiracy theorist! Now days I'm more careful, of wasting my time. You touched on fear, I remember making a choice not to be ruled by fear, scary stories that demand performance. I noticed the fear porn, nuclear war, global warming, terrorists and now the virus! I still haver to be careful, "The Elites are trying to enslave us!" when just maintaining my day to day living is probably more important. So yeah, when the nonsense hit my experience and network said fraud, power grab incoming!
But I was shocked at the uptake. Truly shock and concerned. It will not take much for them (my friends and neighbors) to round me up and put me in a camp, we are not there, but we are close.
Yes, it was the window into the true hearts of my closest friends and neighbours that was most shocking - some of them wold not only have put me in a camp for the unperforated but volunteered for guard duty. Frightening stuff.
Lucky for me jabs were not mandated for my kids, but that was red-line for me too - so much so my blood pressure got extreme. Most of their peers got them voluntarily and almost took legal action against the school as one was called out by their teacher in front of the class.
Jabs for the kids was a line in the sand for quite a few. And I know one person who did take the Mexico option for an extended 'holiday' whilst the worst of the storm passed over down south. Few places were as strict and nasty as Australia, a country I was once quite fond of - what we have seen here can never be unseen, however.
I’d be very interested in a stack along the lines of “my Mexican sojourn”. The highs, the lows , regrets if any and how it went for them. No pressure of course . :) Merry Christmas
No worries at alll. I’d not heard of Anthony before though perhaps I might have watched him speak at at Adelaide rally. I won’t bother him. There are plenty of Canadian YouTubers I could probably find, poor sods.
I knew from the get-go not just that the whole COVID roadshow was bollocks, but that those pushing it knew it was bollocks. In fact, the first thing I said to my husband when Scummo announced the first 'two weeks to flatten the curve' was, "So this is how they're going to implement the compulsory adult vaccination schedule."
The ABC's fear porn was risible. They were onto the Spanish flu comparison almost immediately, but when they took the nuclear option and started comparing CONVID to the Black Death, it was so patently ridiculous that I thought, 'Surely to God this is going to wake people up.' Well, we all know how that turned out. I'm happy to say that I no longer own a TV or a radio, and plan never to have either again.
The pathetic acquiescence of the old Left was disillusioning, but as an X-Gener who loves Boomer music, it was the selling out of the aging rockers that really broke my heart. I can't bring myself to listen to the Stones, Neil Young or Joni Mitchell any more. It's kind of a relief that so many musos died back in 2016 (the year everyone died) or I'd have f*ck-all to listen to.
Very prescient about the incrediby dangerous ‘the vaccine is our only way out lockdown’ narrative that was looming very early on.
Yes, the Boomer music Gods finally made their peace with The Machine. Thank goodness for Eric Clapton who rejected the vaxx and the passports to his concerts (it took two jabs and severe neuropathy in his hands threatening to really make his moniker of Slowhand a reality, but still he eventually made the right choice). Can’t help wondering whether Charlie Watts’ death was the result of the jabs the Stones’ were so keen on. So much for Street-Fighting Man!
For years, us wingnut tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist antivaxxers have been aware that the WHO has been pushing an adult vaccination schedule (on behalf of their Big pHarma pals) and that national governments (including our own) have a recommended schedule involving gazillions of jabs and boosters, but they were stymied in implementing it by the fact that a) most Boomers had every childhood disease known to man and therefore didn't need any booster vaccines and b) the flu vaccine is a dud, and everyone with even the basic knowledge of immunology knows it. In the mean time, vaccine manufacturers have a pipeline of hundreds of vaccines in development, but adults were previously quite resistant customers. What better way to break down that resistance than to stage a fake pandemic (not saying that there is no novel pathogen, just that the degree of illness and death than has resulted from it doesn't meet any sensible definition of a pandemic) and frighten the bejesus out of all those aging Boomers?
Three cheers for Eric Clapton and Van the Man, and big raspberries to those sell-out Stones.
So many musicians, artists, actors, actressess, comedians, TV hosts were all coerced to take the poison and so many died or have long lasting health problems. Mark Crispin-Miller is collecting all the data on deaths, you can find him on Substack.
I was also so disappointed in my favourite Neil Young, but I like him for his music not how he lives his life. Was so sad about Charlie cut his life short, he would have rocked on for a bit longer.
MCM's weekly wrap-up of the dead and maimed is a depressing but necessary read because, as Stalin said, one death is a tragedy but a million is a statistic.
I wish I could still enjoy the music of all the sell-outs but all of the disgusting, repugnant things they've said keep coming into my mind whenever I try to listen to it.
Yep, it is tragic. I try not to read anything about musicians, years ago we never bothered. By the way love your work, I often read your articles and listen to your talks. You have really helped me feel suppported because around her there are not many like minded people. All the best for the New Year.
Thank you for your well wishes, and Happy New Year to you too! I'm really thrilled that you've found solace in my work. When I began to write about the manufactured COVID crisis, I was motivated by frustration that the public was being swamped by mis- and disinformation emanating from government and their media mouthpieces, that was fomenting fear and social division, and a desire to provide information that was as accurate as I could manage. Then I began hearing from people who read my articles, that I was helping to keep them sane, largely by providing a scientifically sound argument for what they already knew in their gut and heart. I've been struck by how many people who aren't highly educated in the usual sense, just intuitively twigged that something was off, and how many supposedly well-educated people fell for the covidiacy, hook, line and sinker.
Having said all that, it's important to have in-person contact with like-minded people. Is there an RDA group or Freedom Cell anywhere near you? If not, you might even think about starting one - who knows how many people in your area are having the same thoughts as you, but are afraid to express them because they think everyone else is a Branch Covidian?
I find it hard to listen to the Stones because I know that Jagger & Richards had something to do with Brian Jones’ murder. He was the talented Stone who likely wrote all their hits up to 69 and likely beyond as well and without him they became a middling but popular stadium band who banked 13m a year for their tours.
Well Phil, thanks for asking. As you probably know I had a bit of time with the scamdemic. When it first became a thing, when we were in the “flatten the curve” stage I started having this strange premonition that if and when they develop a “vaccine” it was going to be forced on us in some way. I had no clear perception of what form this might take.
I wrote a song round that time:
Flatten the curve or the old man gets it
TV lady says it at breakfast
And sunbathing gets you arrested ...
Aside from that initial weird feeling, the Covid awakening for me started with the risk profile data and very early on it was clear that people in my age demographic and health status were at fundamentally zero risk of dying or even getting seriously ill from this Covid thing. So when the possibility of a vaccine became an incredibly fast reality (this too alarmed me) I was adamant that I wouldn’t be taking the shot. I started looking for safety data and effectiveness from sources other than the msm propaganda and big pharma itself. What little I did find was negative. In fact the test animals were dying!
I then made the fatal error then of imparting my vax hesitation to my landlord. I should have been more circumspect ie. lied because at this point everyone was losing their feakin minds over Covid. I couldn’t understand why? I couldn’t figure out how a piece of cloth was of any use against a thing a few nano metres in length. I couldn’t figure out the scientific merit of a great many of the Covid policies and everyone I spoke to seemed to disagree with my assessment because the “experts” said so. Anyways my landlord asked me to leave so I went to my parents place. It was only going to be a temporary thing, until I could find another place. I didn’t think the vax status of their own son would be an issue to them. Boy was I wrong ...
My father proudly proclaimed, like a high priest of branch Covidian, that “to be part of society you need three jabs.” He asked me to leave when I said that the jabs were actually harming people, even killing them and that it wasn’t working. We knew this much by then. My boomer parents are firmly in that 61% of TV devotees. If Koshie says jabs a must, jabs good, then that’s all the evidence they need. Me ... I like data and statistical analyses of said data from impartial sources.
I don’t remember who was first but I started reading the likes of Steve Kirsch and El Gato, the strangely compelling Harvard2thebighouse, Spartacus, Igor Chudov and a heap more. Substack pretty much saved my life. I knew I wasn’t alone. At this point I was homeless. I lived in the forest near Walpole for a while, then went and did some WWOOFing. I was pretty distraught by the whole thing by after much pondering in the Valley of the Giants I emerged stronger and less afraid than I had ever had been in my life. I met a woman too who was also a bit of an outcast from society and equally adamant not to be injected. This realisation and the support of a couple of good friends helped me through it.
The more I read, and boy did I read a lot! The more I became sure that I had made the right decision. When I saw my predictions of the jabs starting to kill people in big numbers it was only further confirmation. Many aspects of the Covid scam are settled for me. I know it’s origins and it’s mechanisms of harm. I know infinitely more than most any man on the street about it so it’s easy for me to crush any counter arguments. I was angry there for a long time. I felt I was owed an apology for what I had to endure but I have resigned myself in the knowing that this will not be forthcoming.
I see now that the people who believe/d feel fully justified in their error as they were “just following orders”. The banality of evil ... etc As a former friend once opined: “oppression is okay if you’re on the side of the oppressor.” That is truly the sentiment among many.
So it’s been a wake up call to the true face of humanity and it sure is ugly. I’ve lost faith in our public institutions, especially medicine but even more broadly. I’ve lost faith in people too but I have gained an inner resolve that is titanium tough.
Ah, you made the mistake of thinking too much – and, as a result, ‘fell down the rabbit-hole’ of truth. You do meet some other wonderful people down there, though. I’m glad you’ve found a new equilibrium and a new role as a confirmed enemy of The Regime. Keep on distrusting the authorities.
Thanks Phil. Good advice. Cheers Merry Jesus and all that.
Well done for holding your ground, it is so sad that families were torn apart by this but it was also part of the agenda. By the way your landlord had no legal right to kick you out or even ask you your health status. I had to navigate it when looking for a house to rent during this time. I just kept saying "not yet" when asked, seemed to work.
I was only wondering today whether I'd read a new Lockdownunder before Christmas :)
I don't actually remember, WHEN, but well before Jan 2020 I started to stock up on stuff, not crazily, but just adding a few extra packets of stuff whenever I went shopping - I was more worried about supply shortages than a lockdown, that wasn't in my vocabulary.
'Two weeks to flatten the curve" seemed reasonable at the time. As the weeks went by, I killed my Twitter account, as the people I followed all started to talk about lockdowns and how evil Sweden was. Sweden ? Come on, this is the most progressive place on earth ? So I guess I was sceptical early on, heck, a disease that targets the old, frail and co-morbid. Surely this was a treasurer's dream come true, it would solve the welfare budget ? When only 'covid deaths' mattered is when my BS detector kicked into gear.
Why sceptical ? I remember my dad having an argument with my mum about Jesus feeding the 5000 ... he asked her whether Jesus had an oven there to bake all the bread. So perhaps his scepticism was passed down genealogically. I wonder what Barry Jones would have made of it all, I really admired him - brain a like Jupiter.
Finally got round to another one in the end - when I retired, I left the world of deadlines behind, including, it seems, any self-imposed deadlines for recreational writing. And the deadline-free world is wonderful, let me tell you.
Barry Jones – now there’s a blast from the past. Incredibly knowledgeable but that doesn’t necessarily mean incredibly wise. Lot’s of people of great erudition and learning let their lizard brain take over their thinking during the Great Fear.
Great question! I think it boils down to how much a person believes and trusts the dominant (ruling class narrative). The modern global ruling class rules the world to an incredible extent though the cultivation and imposition of its narrative ... a story that supports what it wants to do. This narrative is now imposed and enforced via a totalitarian information eco system of mass and social media. Nothing can become the dominant narrative without the support of the ruling class, and anyone that attempts to challenge the dominant narrative is isolated, demonised, censored and de-platformed. Those that understand this see any dominant narrative for what it is ... a story that helps to deliver what is in the interest of the now global ruling class an will be sceptical of everything. Those that don't deeply understand this simply believe pretty much everything they are told.
Wow, great to meet another leftwing populist! You should start a Substack, too.
Yes, almost monolithic information control was central to the whole disaster.
It was the RT-PCR that did it probably for many. And the pictures of the virus no one could find. but yet defined anyway - they looked identical to the HIV ones and others used in scaremongering. Sort of blows the credibility when the 'test' could not identify a virus which looks the same as the last scary one that is no issue now. I think the money lockdown is coming next and sooner than many think - there is a panic on in case no one noticed.
It is the climate lockdown, already in the planning. Remember when they kept saying "tinfoil hat climate change protestors" now they are the hero's! By the way no one talks about how the chemcials we use on the planet is having an effect on climate change, so the chemcial cartel is using climate change as a cover up and Governments worldwide are using it for their agenda to monitor people and have more control. No one needs 5G but it was put in place for control measures and electrification that can be turned off with a switch at anytime..
Excellent article again! I applaud the coining of the term "Woke Derangement Syndrome".
I admit to being confused for the first four weeks or so. What tipped me into questioning the entire narrative was the fact that the Union bureaucrats cancelled the Labour Day march in Brisbane due to "Covid" - for the first time in something like 136 years! At that point, I realised that a deadly virus was a phantom, the figures were phony, and the whole thing was a cover for political repression.
I admit it took me some more months to work out why the political leaderships of of the existing deformed workers' states - China, Vietnam, the DPRK, Laos and Cuba - also completely capitulated to the Covid narrative, even as it emerged from the core of the imperialist states which sought their destruction. I put this down to the treacherous dual role of Stalinism, which defends their socialistic base at home - while at the same time enabling world capitalism to operate as much as it desires, if it will only leave them alone (which it never does).
The capitulation of the Covid so-called left was particularly shocking, and on a level of the betrayal of August 4, 1914, when almost all of social-democracy backed "their own" ruling class in WW1. Almost all of them have continued with Covid nonsense, and some have become worse. Needless to say, a new left needs to be constructed, with special urgency.
The union bureaucrats were abysmal under cover of “it’s all about keeping our members safe”. If they’d shown a bit more spine and won the Covid-dissident argument for the working class, the outcome may have been different.
After the performance of the Covid Left, more generally, there can be no way back for what passes for the Left these days. Their betrayal was momentous, easily on par with their sell-out during WWI. As a decades-long member of the revolutionary left (too old to still be an activist, though), I still can’t quite believe how they all turned on a dime and caved to the Covid ruling class. It’s time for a new left, indeed, one that puts working class interests front and centre of their program.
I didn't fall for the narrative as i never trusted politicians/govt., nor mainstream media propaganda and would never submit to an 'experimental' shot. I warned close relatives and friends but sadly word got back to me that they all thought i was 'crazy'.
Yes, once stocks of trust are low to non-existent based on previous experience, there’s not going to be any left in the tank for the latest nonsense and lies. That’s basically where I started from as the Covid circus swept ino town.
It seems there was a huge category of people who did not fall for anything, they just didn't fight for anything either.
Myself, I have concluded that the key ingredient to resist this, or other derangements, is to be more uncomfortable with the lie than with the effort/cost required to ignore it / play along with it. I hope the source of my own discomfort was some sort of sense of honour, but it could be curiosity, too much idle time, righteousness, busybodyness, stubbornness, naivety, quirkiness, drunkenness, a lack of empathy, tactlessness, moral fundamentalism, religious fundamentalism, tenaciousness, critical thinking, distrust, altruism, luck, faithlessness, argumentativeness, serendipity, genetic, Freudian, narcisism, misanthropy, cynicism, humility, discernment, or handsomeness :)
Also, the Bloovis Blog is delightful, thanks for the tip.
Well, that covers all bases but I think there is a little bit of most of that list in the makeup of most Covid dissidents (handsomeness – not so much, however).
Depends on your ability for critical thinking and having an open mind, primarily. I was fooled for the first 2 months, yet not overly worried or frantic. I soon started to put the pieces together which clearly showed the narrative was absolute BS. Nothing added up. People in China ‘dropping down dead’ but putting their arms out to brace for the impact before hitting the ground, worldwide synchronicity of the same message, ‘safe and effective “vaccine”’ which had no real safety profile, told said ‘vaccine’ was an experiment but that you’d lose your job if you didn’t take it, and the list goes on. It only took a few minutes on the internet to do your homework and find out that the Australian govt threw out the handbook on how to manage a virus contagion. It’s not so much the govt’s absolute tyranny that gets me but the fear and tyranny of everyday people who chose to believe a Big Pharma paid journalist on tv who wouldn’t know the first thing about anything medical yet thought it was ok to give medical advice to people without a practising license to do so. I too have abandoned the Left. They have also been hijacked by Big Pharma and the Unthinking Woke. The unions are the worst. So much for their dedication to human rights. I have never felt so ashamed to be Australian. Thanks for your brilliant article and being part of The Great Awakening.
My sister and I have been waiting for "these times". At the end of a holiday in 2019 we saw a beautiful double rainbow towards the end of a storm. I said to her this is our last holiday...
Then when this nonsense hit it was IMMEDIATELY obvious what it was about. The start of the Apocalypse. Right now we are in the EYE OF THE STORM. The next phase will be much worse.
The ONLY WAY OUT OF THIS is through prayer and fasting. We cannot remove the prophecies now because the world's sins have mounted way too high. We can still mitigate the chastisements but not eliminate them. I'm sorry to say but the next phase involves nuclear war. BUT DO NOT DESPAIR! You will be protected only IF YOU PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!!
Maaaate! Underrated stack!
The irony for me is I had been undergoing two major existential crises just prior to the COVID con, so I was already primed for a medical worldview overhaul. In Sep-Dec 2019 I discovered plasma-electric universe cosmology, which dismantled my prior beliefs in standard model cosmology (Big Bang BS). At the same time I discovered that the Christian eschatology known as 'Dispensationalism' was just Kabbalah satanism rebranded. So I was already primed by humility to change some strongly held opinions.
By April 2020 I was reading Jon Rappoport, Peter Duesberg, and Celia Farber on the HIV-AIDS scam, Stefan Lanka's methodological refutation of virology, and various sources, old and new, on MKUltra mind control techniques. Combined with some early stat work (I calculated then that it would take 30 years for 100% of the world to be infected, assuming PCR was accurate and COnVID was caused by a contagious virus - my prediction still seems to be on target even with those 2 false assumptions!) I figured the whole thing was a f'n scam and whatever countermeasure vax they rolled out was full of BS. Stuck to my newly discovered antivax guns ever since!
Damn its been a mentally revolutionary 3 years! I can't believe I was asleep for so damn long on so many things! And the best thing was my Asian wife is with me 100% unvaxxed (how rare!). For her it was the child care centres. Why didnt this 'deadly contagious virus' annihilate every childcare centre in the country? On to ya now, filthy globalist scum!
I was aware from the get go. I trusted my immune system because I never get flu's or colds. I was looking for articles that supported my way of thinking and luckily they were there. My instinct played a big part too. I knew that when masks were introduced that it was a fear mongering control tactic. I also knew it was always about the vax, but what I was shocked to find out was this had been planned for many years. They even had the patents in place well before the declaration of the scandemic. But what shocked me most was how many people believed in all the BS. Even a nurse friend did not believe in the poison but was told to have it to keep her job. She had the second one so she could visit her mum in care. Now she has a doctors certificate to postpone the next until May and does not know what she will do but after 30 odd years and may have to leave nursing because she refuses anymore due to reactions from the 2 she had. She tells me the hospitals are in chaos due to experienced nurses having left and replaced by new recruits with no experience. I hear an ambulance, sometimes twice a day in our less than 10,000 resident town, although we do have a lot of tourists so figure it could be many of them having issues. My 85 year old mum even knew not to have the poison, she did get sick from mixing with vaxed friends for a couple of weeks but fought it off naturally. It still worries me about how these spike proteins could be transferred so I still keep my distance from those who I know or don't know whether they have had the poison. Anthony Williams The Medical medium has some protocols to detox all the poison and also to build up immunity. All viruses are manmade to feed the vax money machine. Wellness to all.
My dad was a radicle, my mum would not buy the determined 'housewife' nonsense narrative. By age 10 years I was sitting in Peace Committee meetings with my parents listening to intellectual argument and general discussion - I had navigated fascist fundamentalism and the reality of their state sponsored murders.
When age about 12 you are willing to argue about God and religion with the former Anglican Archbishop of a city declaring you have no interest in kindergarten childish fairytales dressed up as religion, I guess the path is set (he said he thought I was more Christian than most of those he had preached to). The more I found I had to question EVERYTHING most importantly my own beliefs, ideals, morals and ethics, the more I saw the propaganda and manipulation that favoured a few against the interests of the many.
And the many? Progressively becoming ever more resistant to anything that disturbed their desired 'comfort' zone dominated as it is with blanking out anything that might disturb fully aided by a lack of an Ethical core and self developed Moral code. Emotions and opinions matter more than Prinicpals and a search for believable challenged facts. Easier to go with the flow when you have no compass or rudder to steer with. I am deeply saddened to know enough of what likely awaits the unthinking Sheeple in the near future, what little they may have of it. The last three years have made blindingly clear how meaningless so much of what The Many hold dear is of no earthly value at all in engaging with life which seems to me the very purpose of this existence. Not easy to be de-platformed when you never were platformed to begin with - Social Media IS social distancing - go hug people in spirit or body.
I so agree with social media keeping people apart. I was once asked by an aquaitance who lived a couple of streets away was I on facebook, and when I said no but you are welcome to visit me anytime she just looked at me in a strange way. I am still not on fakebook.
You speak my heart. Oh the left, what can I say, control freaks. They love Government because they want it, to make you do what they think is best. Bad humans! They loved the 'virus', to them is was just punishment, all those stupid people, dirty people. And then the virtue signaling, if only they could see themselves, so desperate to do good (be seen to do good), they'd push Grandma over just to help her back up. But yes, All ABC devotees, RN, their trusted news source. They are rusted on.
I, long ago with the aid of the internet (books before that) mistrusted the mainstream. No T.V. after leaving home and becoming interested in natural healing and other loopy stuff. I also found my own 'trusted' sources. from 9/11 on, we knew something was up and that we were heading somewhere. There was an agenda. So I guess I was primed. I had also been down all the rabbit holes, a conspiracy theorist! Now days I'm more careful, of wasting my time. You touched on fear, I remember making a choice not to be ruled by fear, scary stories that demand performance. I noticed the fear porn, nuclear war, global warming, terrorists and now the virus! I still haver to be careful, "The Elites are trying to enslave us!" when just maintaining my day to day living is probably more important. So yeah, when the nonsense hit my experience and network said fraud, power grab incoming!
But I was shocked at the uptake. Truly shock and concerned. It will not take much for them (my friends and neighbors) to round me up and put me in a camp, we are not there, but we are close.
Well said, my Internet friend.
Yes, it was the window into the true hearts of my closest friends and neighbours that was most shocking - some of them wold not only have put me in a camp for the unperforated but volunteered for guard duty. Frightening stuff.
Lucky for me jabs were not mandated for my kids, but that was red-line for me too - so much so my blood pressure got extreme. Most of their peers got them voluntarily and almost took legal action against the school as one was called out by their teacher in front of the class.
Mexico was looking like a serious option.
Jabs for the kids was a line in the sand for quite a few. And I know one person who did take the Mexico option for an extended 'holiday' whilst the worst of the storm passed over down south. Few places were as strict and nasty as Australia, a country I was once quite fond of - what we have seen here can never be unseen, however.
I’d be very interested in a stack along the lines of “my Mexican sojourn”. The highs, the lows , regrets if any and how it went for them. No pressure of course . :) Merry Christmas
A Stack is beyond me, I'm afraid - I'm no Stackhanovite (hope you get the Stalinist Russia pun-allusion).
Anthony Colpo is the Adelaide-based Covid dissident who went to Mexico in the first half of 2022. I know him via his website, see https://anthonycolpo.com/australian-health-authorities-claim-vaccine-saves-lives-data-shows-exact-opposite/
If you flick him an email, he might help but he is very busy with other life stuff. info@anthonycolpo.com will get him. Good luck!
No worries at alll. I’d not heard of Anthony before though perhaps I might have watched him speak at at Adelaide rally. I won’t bother him. There are plenty of Canadian YouTubers I could probably find, poor sods.