Nailed it Phil. A perfect article. You will be 100% correct. And the DoD as the contract holders for the mRNA clot shots will certainly not be mentioned.

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Ah, yes - the guys and gals in khaki, forgot about their weird and wonderful hand in all this.

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Once again, I laugh and smile about the awfulness of the world because you skewered it so artfully. Thanks! This Utopia clip also nails the "independent consultancy" farce - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M7SzS_5PlQ

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Cheers, Shane

Very nice clip that says it all about the pretence of third party objectivity via the 'independent consultancy'. I saw a few of those beasts during my time in the public service and they invariably delivered what was expected of them on core issues, with limited but allowable criticisms to show how rigorous and unbiased they were pretending to be. Champers all round!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Phil Shannon

"nothing to see here" they will say.

I think it will be used to see how they can implement more restrictions next time. Plannng another attack when Ukraine war has ended?

Some great reading here: stopworldcontrol.com

And here: AustraliaExitsTheWHO.com

We were all taken by surprise last time but once you see the pattern it cannot be unseen. Just like the wildfires now in North America and Canada being used to push the climate change agenda. Governments are out to make people sick, kill and maim to depopulate and sell more drugs.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Phil Shannon

2a) I'd expect something along the lines of «Mr. Scapegoat didn't act decisively enough».

In the government business, no one is allowed to hesitate or have doubts on their own. A committee must be formed for that purpose.

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Thanks, Mr. Rat!

I had thought that, since our current state government is a Labor one and the previous one was the Liberal half of the Uniparty for two of the three Covid years, the review might try to score some political brownie points by sticking it to the Libs for not being decisive enough, too slow to act, too lax in enforcement, etc. but as the two parties were all one big happy political family for Covid, the united virus front will probably hold up for the review.

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Hey, no problem with running that sham enquiry as long as the cost comes out of their personal bank accounts. A few criminal convictions wouldn't go astray either.

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