They do autopsy’s in Germany. So maybe we’ll really find out. Perhaps he had a few too many Steins. Or maybe he saw a coal fired power station next to a wind farm. I reckon all the MPs ought to the beep test, as a voter I’d like to be sure that they are fit and healthy and able to withstand the exertions that come with high office :)

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'no way' that it's le jab, says this ol'mechanic, who, BTW, has fervently believed that the moon is made of cheese.

... 'Crean gets creamed by fauxi ouchie'

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The depth of denial going on here with these jabs is a sight to behold. Do they know deep down that they made a terrible, irrevocable mistake and now they absolutely cannot face the truth? What a colossal, evil disaster this all is.

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The magic injectable juice has accumulated quite a body count, whether as proximate cause or contributing factor. None of the true believers will so much as address that, of course, but I wonder if any of them experience a little concern when the magic does its work on someone in their own circles.

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Let's hope so. Oh, the New Normies, the Deep Cultists, will wave their arms about and try to dismiss all evidence of nearest and dearest, and friends, copping it but, subconsciously, there must be something burrowing into their awareness so that their enthusiasm for a lifetime subscription to the wonder juice starts to wane.

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Yes I would suspect the jab but I am really doubting of your statement that 98% of Australians are jabbed.

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I'm doing a Stack on this issue. Stay tuned!

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thanks I will be interested. 98% vaccinated is surely too high by far?

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Amongst the 98% of Australians who have had at least one Covid jab. How do we know it's that high? Where would there be a source of reliable data? Woudn't trust any gov't stats.

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I'm doing a Stack on this issue. Stay tuned!

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I do not even trust the statement "98% of Australians have had one covid vaccine" as the health department are not tracking everyone. I know more unvaxed then vaxed.

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I'm doing a Stack on this issue. Stay tuned!

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I vote "probably". Only an autopsy can cofirm. Shane Warne died from it too "suddenly", and they have confirmed that the vaccine has "contributed".

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