Not offended at all, I liked the Queen, and willing to give Charlie a go though not particularly optimistic , , not that I have a choice. I didn’t watch the funeral and would have rather not had the day off - somehow I think it had more to do with the Victorian grand final holiday. I don’t really like what KC stands for , the Q at least didn’t appear to meddle or tell people that they had to worry about climate change etc. If we were a republic, would it really make much difference ? What powers would el President have, would he just be a figure head, would he be elected etc etc . Here I am up in Qld and every takeaway has signs saying, staff shortage, please be patient. Meanwhile, we have 800,000 unemployed people and we need to bring in more migrants - no mention of these at the jobs summit. I feel we have bigger problems, like maybe reforming the welfare system, to incentivise people to take some pride in earning a living or contributing to society. There’s a Scottish dude called Scott Campbell who who (imho) posted a great substack post called “Half Mast” or something like that, a different perspective on QE2. Agree that discourse is very uncivil these days, I got a very nasty response when I merely I expressed my view about giving Charlie a chance.

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