Here's my Lesson 16: Our state schooling system is a complete and total failure, churning out automatons who are incapable of critical thinking. I fell like vomiting when I see healthy teenagers and young adults walking outside wearing masks. What the hell has happened to these kids' brains?

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

Good article. Quite optimistic. Perhaps summarised as 'Government sucks"

Not quite sure who you mean by "we" as in who have learned these lessons, but I jest somewhat. Some unfortunately have only been learned too well. Recent SA law changes

Lesson 11: I dunno if the (contemporary) left is finished, the recent elections sort of prove otherwise. Though I understand that it was only preferences that got them in, but there seems to be a yearning for the nanny state.

Lesson 16: I don't believe a lot of what I used to believe and still less of anything government says. Eg Are any vaccines really necessary or effective ? Is Russia bad ? Is climate change an existential threat ? The shriller the message, the more my "bullshit detector" triggers.

Lesson 17: Don't plan too far ahead. The borders might close any time.

Lesson 18: Facts don't matter and perhaps the judiciary is not as impartial as we would expect.

Lesson 19: Just because you think it could never come to that (because you don't want it to) it could. eg nuclear war, war with China.

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