It’s highly conspicuous by its omission. They won’t even mention it as a possibility. It’s the Voldemort of mainstream media. But it’s laughable in its absence. It’s so blatantly obvious and by not saying it they make it even more conspicuous. The Streisand effect in action. To a point it works because to normies who rely solely on the tube for information, it stays out of their tiny little minds. But to us who have done reading it’s a joke. I have resigned myself to it never coming out. It will be buried and all the hurt and harms will be left unaddressed. But ... one of the good things about being a conspiracy theorist is you don’t get myocarditis.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

That last line was brilliantly repeatable!

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

The moose dropped on my head sometime in June, 2020. The scam was obvious to me by then. It enrages me that people are sashaying around as if the last two years were some kind of mirage. I will keep mentioning the war until an avalanche of moose-heads crash lands on everyone's head. Great post, Phil!

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

Perhaps a massive legal in in the US that proves that Pharma were culpable, which would give the bureaucracy an excuse/ someone to blame. I can’t think of anything else. I too have mulled over it, maybe celebrity. As an aside, you could almost replace the word “Covid” with ‘blm’, ‘climate change’ or ‘Russia’ and it would still read quite well . All ideology is evil - Solzhenitsyn.

But now I want to find that Fawlty Towers episode !!!!

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

here y'all go-Basil vs Bullwinkle...youtube.com/watch?v=I2t5KKFeHR0

1:54 Fawlty Towers: Putting the moose up Fawlty's Vault


4:22 Don't Mention the War! Fawlty Towers | BBC Comedy Greats

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

Great perspectives, Phil.

Allow me to offer one small 'au contrair.'

Within three years of my arriving in Australia in 1981 - and starting a manufacturing company - I recognised two facts.

(`1) Australia *then already* was what I described as a "de facto Communist state."

Being born and bred (brainwashed) into this nation riddled with upside-down ideological perspectives means it was difficult for most born here to recognise the reality of how intensely "The Government" had become their "parent."

Having been 'bred' within a far more free society meant I was, through a very different paradigm, able to see the truth and recognise the socialism and communism that prevailed here for what it subtly was and now so blatantly is..

(2) Then already - in the mid 1980's - I recognised that Australia had become a nation incapable of 'civilising' and 'maturing' (not merely 'raising') its next generations to have the attitudes and fundamental competences to sustain and advance the progress of the nation.

Which means that, although the Australian governments' insane reaction to the supposed Cov-19 threat was part of the cause of today's severe shortage of essential workers ( medical personnel being no more essential than builders, motor mechanics and workers of all kinds), this 'accident' of too few diligent, hardworking, right-attitude young people has been a long time coming.

It took that long for Australia's governments to develop this problem. It will take far longer to fix it - if ever.

We the people will have no choice but, with increasing pain, reap the socially-disastrous fruits of the evil seeds planted by "Liberal," "Labor" and "Greens" ideological fools alike over the past fifty+ years.

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An absolute pleasure to read, thanks Phil. Lucent, insightful, delightful, despite the awful reality in the topic.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

It was tried to mandate in the UK for nurses and even aged care but there was massive push back. I heard someone suggest that more nurses refused it because they are usually married to someone else with a job and so could afford too, whereas doctors are often the primary breadwinner.

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The health care workers tried to push back in Australia but nothing happened except continuing mandates and sacking of years of experienced staff to be replaced by new cadets straight out of fast tracked "qualifications". Tragic.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

Last thought, perhaps, just perhaps after Musk takes over Twitter. I’ve not been on for years but I hear lots of posts get removed or users kicked off for spreading truth aka misinformation

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

Perhaps another glimmer - I sometimes listen to John Anderson Direct podcast. His recent one was with Gigi Foster and Jay Battacharya, of Great Barrington Declaration fame. Worth a listen, IMHO. GF reckons some people will be jailed.

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Great article, thanks! Gotta get me a moose head😊

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

My nurse friend and other nurses she knows, have had to have the poison, she refuses to have anymore and will be leaving if she has to, over 30 years experience will be replaced by new cadets straight out of a fast tracked "qualification". This has to stop!!

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Phil Shannon

Great analysis and thanks for poring over the data - journalists would usually do that but they've long joined the Clown World or World A (where the State is always benign and truthful in all their media releases). Sadly, many people seem to equate taking the vaccine with being a good citizen and have absolutely no idea of their rights in a democracy: for example, the original Biosecurity Act 2015 gives the government 'emergency powers' for three months... which they've managed to extend indefinitely and therefore enact all sorts of legislation which limits our freedoms.

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