Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Phil Shannon

Yes. Regarding point 2 I was very angry Tony Abbott locked childhood vaccines to govt child support payments. He's a hypocrite.... Even though the comparison is not exactly the same - as the covid jabs were a) not vaccines and b) had NOT undergone PROPER trials never the less the principal of mandates is the same.

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Apr 20Liked by Phil Shannon

Call me a cynic, but I put this in the 'limited hangout' basket. I wouldn't trust Tony 'Suppository of all Wisdom' Abbott as far as I could kick his budgie smugglers.

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Apr 17Liked by Phil Shannon

Everyone always had the individual option to stay home under the bed wearing a filthy face-rag, emerging on occasion to get jabbed with whatever experimental slop was on offer… but the fascist state governments and gullible, gutless general public would not countenance personal responsibility.

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Superbly written and well balanced article. How far the bulk of the population is from the reality of the Covid debacle - still believing in the arm juice, masks and other nonsense. No doubt the senate inquiry will yield little to the truth and I am no closer to getting reparations for my own suffering.

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I actually voted for him because I was disgusted with the knifing of Rudd. Though now I don’t like Rudd at all, nor Gillard for that matter or Albo or ScoMo.

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Great work Phil! Unbelievable how the polies (and others) have lost their brain power!

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Now need to get his wife, a NZr, to repeat the message for NZ ears.

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We must avoid the error of getting into debates that are meaningless. It distracts us from the true battle being waged against people, all people on earth.

Obviously the truth about the whole pandemic was expected to come out and sooner rather than later. No need to debate it BUT it has to be recognised as a totally deliberate and worldwide controlled attack on people, all people. So why now is it all leaking out and being posited as a 'mistaken response' to a illness that was not what it was claimed to be.?

Those that perpetrated this attack on people did so consciously, deliberately and with full intent to do harm. Now they are allowing the supposed truth to come out and even getting some of the agents of the processes, such as Abbott, to help this activity along, including distorting the truth as well. Ask Whyee?

Data gathering is unauthorised invasion of privacy, it is spying and not for the benefit despite the claims, of the people being spied upon. Vaccination is a direct invasion of the body avoiding first line biological and physiological defences of doubtful benefit and possible if not probably harm to the people injected with industrial concoctions often not revealed to protect the manufacturer's financial interssts over and above the primary health of people. Dependency upon mobile devices relying on Wireless Radiation with known harmful effects for almost ALL interactions in our communities and for own very existence places everyone in to the control of unknown commercial organisations. In addition the latest form of Wireless Radiation , 5G and its use to invade almost every aspect of life, of existence, with the Internet of Things (IOT) is derived from military weapons research and systems development. It is not a passive benign system but a very active and potentially, and quite probably seriously harmful to people. These systems are being rolled out worldwide and using commerce as we the people pay for the systems that would ,and do, harm and control us all.

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