Bury That Lede, Faithful Covid Media
Or: Shhh! Government survey shows 1 in 3 South Australians who got the vaxx got hurt by it and won’t have any more
‘Lede’ is journo-speak for ‘lead’ (in the non-metal sense) and to ‘bury the lede’ is to fail to mention the most important part of a story right at the beginning and instead insert it at some later place as if it was of secondary or no real interest. It is bad journalism - either through ineptitude or through intentionally trying to downplay information that the writer, though compelled to mention, wants to bury without calling undue attention to.
There was a real doozy of lede-burying in an article in the Adelaide press a few days ago [In-Daily - Message Fatigue - SA Covid Vaccine Campaign Falls Short]. The online newspaper reported, front and centre, that a “$500k state government advertising campaign encouraging South Australians to get a fourth Covid vaccine dose failed to meet objectives”, a framing which misses the point (stunning rates of vaxx injury as a reason for low booster uptake) by a country mile.
In August/September 2022, the SA Department of Health’s ‘COVID Vaccine 4th dose’ campaign ran saturation ads trying to whip up enthusiasm for the fourth shot (booster number two) of the gene poison (that is not the phrase they used but I can’t bring myself to linguistically soft-soap the true nature of the jab). How disappointed the government now sounds that, according to an evaluation by the SA Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) [SA DPC - Communications Report April 2023], the advertising blitz “underachieved on its objectives” with 4th jab booster uptake in the doldrums.
The state Premier’s very own department found that the advertising “translated minimally to attitudinal or behaviour change” because of (stifle yawns here, please) “message fatigue, hesitancy and general misinformation”, the lame go-to culprits that pandemic politicians trot out to explain the population’s falling out of love with each successive jab of the wonder juice.
Remember, we are still in the early stages of the press article and so far it is all about a complacent and ungrateful population’s lack of diligence in obeying the government, aided and abetted by the dread “misinformation” creating unjustified vaccine ‘hesitancy’.
Things start to get a bit more interesting a few paragraphs further along with the reasons why the miracle jab take-up is flagging. A post-ad campaign survey by the government of some 400 South Australians (a statistically decent sample size) found that the community is:
(1) “losing concern about Covid” (well, no news there, except for those still trapped deep down the Covid well), and
(2) finding out that the jab is manifestly failing on its own terms - 20% of survey respondents said that they “caught COVID-19 anyhow after having two or three doses” (well, a dodgy test told them that they ‘got Covid’ when what they got may possibly have been Covid or simply the cold or the flu because the PCR/LFT/RAT tests have a false positive rate in the high 90% range but, nevertheless, this 20% think it was Covid and, ergo, that the jabs failed).
So, two legs of vaccine ‘goodness’ are falling over – the Covid vaxx is not necessary (Covid is a dud of a disease for most people) and neither is it effective. But in what should be the Big Reveal, what should be the lede in flashing lights, is the throwaway line that “31% of [all] those surveyed said they would not get the fourth dose because they had side effects after getting previous doses”.
This is a stunning admission of the vaccine’s failure of the third leg of vaccine ‘goodness’ – safety. Close to 100% of South Australians were cajoled, bullied, blackmailed or propagandised into getting the first two jabs (the ‘primary course’), yet nearly a third of them have resolved to never get another post-primary-course booster after their experience with the earlier jabs because of their side-effects.
We have been told from Day One that serious adverse reactions are exceedingly rare, yet, from the government’s own survey, one in three jabbed South Australians would now rather take their chances with the Disease of Doom than go through whatever horrid adverse reactions they had had (Racing heart? Myocarditis? Pericarditis? Fainting? Nerve pain? Balance problems? Tinnitus? Days laid up in bed with fever? Take your pick from the smorgasbord of adverse events currently available). We are not talking here about a bit of a sore arm from having a sharp needle stuck in your deltoid – fully one-third of people getting jabbed against Covid have a severe enough reaction to the ‘vaccine’ to risk Covid rather than get another Covid jab.
“Seventy per cent of eligible South Australians have received a Covid vaccine booster, according to SA Health’s most recent weekly Covid update”, notes the article (heavily gilding the vaxx lily, because barely 15% of Australians have had their latest booster within the last six months and are ‘not up-to-date’, so fully 85% of Australians are technically ‘unvaccinated’ and ‘unprotected’). The vaxx romance is cooling off dramatically all round since some 30% of the eligible population have opted out of the booster program, probably for good, because the vaxx injured them, whilst another 55% just can’t be bothered to keep ‘up-to-date’.
Make that at least one third of jab recipients being harmed by the vaxx. There would be a not insignificant number who have been harmed by the vaxx but still rock up for a booster because they do not connect the jab with any ill-health conditions attendant on it – they simply think their (jab-caused) health problems are purely coincidental. If they do make the connection, some may think that certain jab illnesses would ‘show that the vaccine is working’ and will happily keep taking the vaxx. I have one Branch Covidian friend who was once bed-ridden with terrible flu/nausea after jab no. 1 and then suffered two severe nose bleeds from subsequent jabs, both requiring trips to ED, yet will not hear a word of ‘misinformation’ against the saviour vaccine.
So, here we have one ripe lede ready for the media picking (‘one-third of Covid vaccine recipients are harmed so much by the vaxx they will have no more’) rather than the tired old recourse to ‘message fatigue’, ‘misinformation’ and all the rest of the official government dross that surrounds all things Covid. The population of SA is 1.8 million, so you would think that north of 600,000 South Australians having been so badly tossed and gored by the Covid vaxx that they are not going to risk crossing that cow paddock again, would be an issue crying out for journalistic attention. But for the SA government authorities and their tame media, who have been Covid hysterics and pandemic authoritarians from the get-go, burying ledes about vaxx damage is not at all surprising.
What is also notable from the government survey, however, is that they bothered to ask about jab injuries at all. This means that the government knows what the jab is doing out there in the community (a 31% customer complaints rate is not exactly the response one would expect from a super-safe, miracle-working drug) whilst hoping that the loyal corporate and state media will dig like lede-burying journalistic Stakhanovites – ‘Don’t worry your pretty little head about all the sudden illnesses and injuries! Here’s another story about racism, instead’.
It is not just in South Australia where the truth of jab harm is being found even in official sources. Hat-tip to Gregoryno6 for noting that “the Victorian health department recently lamented that 4.2 million inhabitants eligible for booster vaccinations had yet to roll up their sleeves” whilst, over in WA (Spectator Australia - Is McGowan Tired Or Fleeing From Scrutiny), that state’s Health Department notes that “the number of adverse events following immunisation reported to Western Australia Vaccine Safety Surveillance was significantly higher in 2021 than in previous years… due to the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccination program”, with 10,428 adverse effects reported of which “57% were treated in hospitals or an emergency department”.
Note in all of this that the ‘crisis’, as the government and the establishment Covid media see it, is the stagnant vaxx booster uptake and not the awesome ability of the Covid ‘vaccine’ to cause all manner of medical mayhem.
Here, to refresh your memory, is the opening paragraph of the newspaper report on the vaccine booster ‘crisis’:
“A nearly $500k state government advertising campaign encouraging South Australians to get a fourth COVID vaccine dose failed to meet objectives due to “message fatigue, hesitancy and general misinformation”, an official evaluation has found.”
I’ve rewritten this, with the lede where it should be:
“One in three Covid-vaxxed South Australians have been injured by the vaxx; vow never to have another ‘booster’ which doesn’t even work.”
There, Mr Professional Journalist, that’s fixed your lede problem for you.
Could you be suggesting that half a million dollars may possibly have bought the media's complicity in delivering the government's wishes? Next, you'll be suggesting that Big Pharma bucks are buying up all sorts of media, medical journals, academics, therapeutic regulatory agencies and so on. What are the odds on that!
Yes, we can't have negative stories about actual vaxx harm encouraging 'vaccine hesitancy'. Better to have people harmed and dead from the vaxx - anything but 'vaccine hesitancy' and the fraying of the approved Covid narrative.
The media's dereliction of duty during the Covid debacle has been a wonder to behold.